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How Long Will I Be Entitled To Medical Care

Christopher Le

If you have been hurt at work and qualify for workers compensation benefits, you have the right to receive ongoing medical treatment for your injury. This is known as future medical benefits. As long as the recommended treatment is related to your work related injury, the insurance carrier should cover it for your lifetime. If you have sustained a serious work-related injury or illness, you can obtain on-going medical treatment for as long as you need it, or until you reach your maximum medical improvement.

The tricky part is determining exactly what conditions or diagnosis the insurance carrier has accepted. This is crucial in determining if they will continue to pay for your medical care. Many times you will find that the insurance carrier has only accepted a sprain or strain injury even though your MRI shows otherwise. If the insurance carrier is limiting your injury to a sprain or strain only, this could impact your entitlement to future medical benefits. In the event your medical treatment is being denied, you should consult with an attorney.

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