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Christopher Le

How do I get Expedited Reinstatement of my Social Security Disability benefits?

Can I get my Social Security Disability benefits reinstated?

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) provide crucial financial support to individuals who are unable to work due to a disability. However, sometimes a person’s disability improves, and they may attempt to return to work. In such cases, the Social Security Administration (SSA) offers an expedited reinstatement of benefits program, allowing the individual to quickly regain their benefits if they find they are unable to work due to their disability.

What is expedited reinstatement of benefits?

Expedited reinstatement of benefits (EXR) is a program offered by the SSA to help individuals who have previously received disability benefits, but whose benefits have been terminated due to their return to work. This program allows individuals to quickly have their benefits reinstated if their disability prevents them from working.

How does expedited reinstatement of benefits work?

To qualify for expedited reinstatement of benefits, the individual must have previously received SSDI or SSI benefits and have had their benefits terminated due to their return to work. The individual must also have a disabling condition that prevents them from working at a substantial gainful activity (SGA) level. Finally, the individual must file a request for expedited reinstatement of benefits within five years of the termination of their benefits.

You can request Expedited Reinstatement of Benefits within 5 years (60 months) after your benefits are terminated due to work activity. You will be eligible for up to 6 months of provisional benefits while the Social Security Administration is reviewing the continuation of your original disability. To qualify for this provision, you must:

• Have stopped receiving your disability benefit due to earnings from work;

• No longer have countable earnings over the Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA) level (in 2023, $1,470 per month or $2,460 per month if disability is based on blindness);

• Be currently unable to earn over SGA due to your disability;

• Have the same or related disability as when you applied initially; and,

• Request reinstatement within 5 years from the month in which Social Security terminated the previous benefits.

If you qualify for Expedited Reinstatement of Benefits, you may be eligible for a new Trial Work Period (TWP) and a new Extended Period of Eligibility (EPE) after you receive 24 months of payments. If the Social Security Administration determines that you do not qualify for continued disability benefits, the 6 months of provisional benefits will not be considered an overpayment.


Expedited reinstatement of benefits is a crucial program that provides financial support to individuals who are unable to work due to their disability. It allows individuals to quickly regain their benefits if they find they are unable to work due to their disability, giving them the necessary financial support to live their lives with dignity. If you believe you may be eligible for expedited reinstatement of benefits, it is important to file a request with the SSA as soon as possible to ensure that you receive the support you need.

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